Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The NFL are hipocrites

The NFL cares. They're concerned about the very serious issue of over consumption of alcohol in America. They're concerned about their players providing a wholesome product that the whole family can enjoy, and being good, clean, sober role models. Dammit, they care about the kids.

And that's why they insist that you pound can after can of Coors Light, but that you go nowhere near Charles Woodson's wine.

Packers corner Charles Woodson owns his own signature line of wines called TwentyFour. According to Woodson, TwentyFour "embodies the abundant blessings that surround us. This is a wine of pure enjoyment, gratitude, giving back and paying forward. From our cellar to yours, we hope you enjoy."

Also, it gets you drunk.

So the NFL disapproves, as they have a policy that forbids NFL players from endorsing or promoting any kind of an alcoholic beverage. From Casually Obsessed:

The NFL sent Woodson a note saying that any interviews supporting alcohol would be seen as an endorsement and "may have a detrimental effect on the great number of young fans who follow our game."

And that just blows my mind. It's so hypocritical that I almost have to just stand back and applaud. That sets records for hypocrisy. I couldn't be any more in awe if Brett Favre released a public service announcement urging children to be strong and decisive in their decision-making.

The NFL has an official beer sponsor. You can't watch 2 minutes of an NFL game without seeing a beer ad in the stadium or seeing a beer commercial on TV (many of which I refuse to believe are aimed at anyone over the age of 14). The NFL does everything in their power to get you drinking beer, short of sending Shawne Merriman to your house to actually pour it down your throat.

And yet, Charles Woodson can't do an interview saying that his wine is chock-full of delicious alcohol. Absurd.

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