Friday, August 1, 2008

$10,000 Polo Shirt Repels Automatic Weapon Fire

Fashion designer Miguel Caballero understands that if you lead the high life in crime-ridden Colombia, you should be able to look good while being sprayed by automatic gunfire.

In fact, Caballero has designed a whole line of bulletproof clothing for men and women, including guayaberas, polo shirts, jackets and even an updated version of the classic bulletproof vest. His leather jacket weighs only a few pounds, and nobody would suspect that you had full protection.

In addition to size runs, customers can seek a specific level of protection -- low will only withstand 9MM slugs and high will take on gunfire from Uzis and other automatics.

A few items sell for as low as $2,000, but you'll have to shell out $10 Gs for the polo shirt that withstands automatic weapon fire.

We just hope the bad guys don't start using flamethrowers.

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